So the blog fell by the way side for the months of October-December. I did read a book in October. The book was "One Word that Will Change Your Life" by Dan Britton, Jimmy Page and Jon Gordon. We were given this book to read by our Principal. I read it on a drive through Iowa. It only took a couple hours.
The premise of the book is to select a word that will guide your year. The one thing the authors challenged is that you do not think about your word. The word should come to you. Of course, after I finished reading the book, I thought about words. As we were driving along, we passed a cell tower. All of a sudden, the word "Escape" jumped into my head. So that is my word.
I have been exploring the many meanings of escape. One of the strongest themes for me is that I am ready to find a new teaching position. That is the top escape for me. I am also trying to escape things that I feel waste my time. I am trying to cut down on my internet life and spend more time with my "real life" people. I also want to escape my unhealthy habits. These seem to all be worthy goals for the word escape.
This was a very easy read. It is very religious-based. I was surprised our principal has us read it based upon the religious angle. I am eager to see my progress come October 2014.
I would recommend this for anyone interested in Self Help books. It is a quick and simple read. The idea is very simple. It is not a time consuming, life change. I just need to continue my focus on my One Word.
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